Monday, March 5, 2007

Seattle, Here We Come!

For me, it is really a thrill to be able to attend a TESOL Convention. I have been to very few of them: a couple of days in New York, back in the 70s (I cannot remember anything about that one); and Baltimore in 2003 and ???. (I live an hour away from Baltimore.) In 2003, I was on the convention team--a really special privilege (My friend Karen Taylor and I coordinated the Energy Breaks. It was a great job because 98% of it was accomplished prior to the Convention, leaving us free to attend sessions and mingle once we got there.).

This year, I am being funded to attend the Convention in order to attend the CEA accreditation workshop, but what I am most excited about is meeting so many of my webhead friends f2f for the first time!

By the way, I've set the time zone for this blog at Pacific Standard Time (Seattle time). I am currently at PST +3 (GMT -5) and counting the days until we are all in the (same time) zone!


Nina Lyulkun said...

Hi Nina!

It seems I am the first one here to leave a comment for you. I feel very happy for you and the rest of the webheads who are traveling to Seattle. I am glad you all will meet f2f. It's great!!!
I wish you all have a great time there, and we are looking forward to hearing from you from Seattle.

{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}

Your twin - Nina from Ukraine

testecarla said...

Dear Nina,

I'm on a countdown to our f2f meeting!


Dennis said...

Hi, Nina (Liakos)--and everyone.

It will be wonderful for so many Webheads to meet F2F at TESOL in Seattle. I wish I could be with you!

I attended my first TESOL convention in 1975 (if I remember correctly) and went every year from 1978 (Mexico City) until 1984 (Houson, TX). Then, after a hiatus of a number of years, I attended the 2000 convention in Vancouver, BC. Last summer, I began making plans to attend the 2007 convention in Seattle, but had to change my plans.

TESOL is a wonderful experience! The best thing about it, in my opinion, is the opportunity to network--to make new contacts and to renew old friendships. That's why I think the convention this year will be such a fantastic opportunity for Webheads!

I look forward to what will be posted in this blog re TESOL in Seattle!

Hugs to all--

Dennis (in Phoenix)

Dennis said...

Hi again.

I thought some of you might be interested in seeing a list of TESOL conventions to date. Here it is:

1966: March 17-19, New York, New York, USA

1967: April 20-22, Miami Beach, Florida, USA

1968: San Antonio, Texas, USA

1969: March 5-8, Chicago, Illinois, USA

1970: March 18-21, San Francisco, California, USA

1971: March 3-7, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

1972: February 26-March 1, Washington, DC, USA

1973: May 9-13, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

1974: March 5-10, Denver, Colorado, USA

1975: March 4-9, Los Angeles, California, USA

1976: March 1-7, New York City, New York, USA

1977: April 26-May 1, Miami Beach, Florida, USA

1978: April 4-9, Mexico City, Mexico

1979: February 27-March 4, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

1980: March 4-9, San Francisco, California, USA

1981: March 3-8, Detroit, Michigan, USA

1982: May 1-6, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

1983: March 15-20, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

1984: March 6-11, Houston, Texas, USA

1985: April 5-14, New York, New York, USA

1986: March 3-8, Anaheim, California, USA

1987: April 21-25, Miami Beach, Florida, USA

1988: March 8-13, Chicago, Illinois, USA
1989: March 7-11, San Antonio, Texas, USA

1990: March 6-10, San Francisco, California, USA

1991: March 24-28, New York, New York, USA

1992: March 3-8, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

1993: April 13-17, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

1994: March 8-12, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

1995: March 28-April 1, Long Beach, California, USA

1996: March 26-30, Chicago, Illinois, USA

1997: March 11-15, Orlando, Florida, USA

1998: March 17-21, Seattle, Washington, USA

1999: March 9-13, New York, New York, USA

2000: March 14-18, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

2001: February 27-March 3, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

2002: April 9-13, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

2003: March 25-29, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

2004: March 29-April 3, Long Beach, California, USA

2005: March 29-April 2, San Antonio, Texas, USA

2006: March 15-19, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA

2007: March 21-24, Seattle, Washington, USA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hugs to all--

Dennis (in Phoenix)

Anonymous said...

The last TESOL I attended was in Vancouver, B.C., as lovely a city as there is on the planet. Since I live in the Great Northwest (Eugene, Oregon, USA), and since I will be a house guest of my cousin and her lovely husband in Seattle, and since I am very, very, very, very anxious to meet people I have been in electronic contact with for years and years and year (Vance, Bee, Graciela, Dennis, Erik Baber, etc. etc. etc.) (and some for shorter periods, Moira and Rita, for example) I can't wait...especially for the big dinner. John Hibbs

Nina Liakos said...

Thanks, Dennis, for reminding me that my past attendance at TESOL Conventions was in 19767 (New York), 1994 (Baltimore) and 2003 (Baltimore again)!

Nina Lyulkun said...

I also have to add to this a bit. I had an opportunity to participate at TESOL Conventions in 1999 - New York (my first visit to the USA), then 2001 - St.Louis, and 2003 - Baltimore. TESOL Conventions are definitely a great experience and networking.
Thank you, Dennis, for the list of TESOL Conventions. It sounds great!

Lots of love,

Dennis said...

Hi, everyone.

Today I also found the locations of TESOL for 2008-2010:

TESOL 2008
New York Hilton & Sheraton New York
New York, New York USA
April 2-5, 2008

TESOL 2009
Denver Convention Center
Denver, Colorado USA
March 25-28, 2009

TESOL 2010
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
Boston, Massachusetts USA
March 24-27, 2010

Start now to make your plans for future Webheads TESOL gatherings!

Best wishes to all--
