Monday, March 5, 2007

Getting ready for Seattle

Go easy on me. I'll be 12 hours jetlagged. But looking forward to meeting many Webheads there, Vance


Moira Hunter said...

This is a great idea!

Hugs to MN ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good initiative.

testecarla said...

It will be great to meet all of you there! I had the pleasure to meet some of the Webheads in the San Antonio convention in 2005 even before joining the group thanks to Christine! And here I am now, getting ready for one more convention and anxiously waiting to meet some of you!


Dennis said...

Last summer I began making plans to attend TESOL in Seattle, but those plans changed in late November--and now it looks as if I won't be able to be there. But no matter! I know how Web-connected the Webheads are, and I'm looking forward to joining you all virtually!

Very, very best wishes!

Dennis (in Phoenix)

Teresa Almeida d'Eça said...

Dear friends,
I can't wait to meet some of you f2f for the first time and and see others again. It's very exciting!
I wonder where we'll find the time to present with so much we always have to say when we meet.
Hugs all, Teresa

Prof. Nelba Quintana- La Plata- Argentina said...

Thank you for sharing with the " no goesrs" to Seatle and taking your time for desinging this blo. Your idea is great! Nelba from Argentina.

Veronica Baig said...

This is a great idea, Nina. I'm looking forward to meeting you and others in balmy--it's all comparative--Seattle.


Nina Lyulkun said...

Staying virtually with you is a great idea. We all, I guess, feel like joining you in Seattle, even though we are not meeting you f2f. Actually , if you post your pictures we'll be with you all the time.

Thanks a lot for the created blog, Nina. You've done a great job.

warmest regards,
Nina from Ukraine

Rita Zeinstejer said...

Thanks, Nina, for your kickoff, I cannot yet imagine what it'll be like meeting 20 Webheads away from Tapped In, Alado or Elluminate...;-))..., but in the flesh!

Hugs till we meet (and virtual ones to all others)


Aiden said...

Like what many webheads here have already said this is a brilliant idea, and thank you for taking the initiative to start a blog.

I look forward to posting pictures and reporting Webheads' and other TESOL events.



Mônica said...

Wonderful idea, Nina! Thank you all for sharing your experiences with the other webheads!
Um abraço,
Mônica Veado